We have been living in an age of speed since the day humanity switched from traditional media tools to new ones. Technology, which is a result of the said speed age, continues to maintain its innovative effects in all areas of life. Internet systems are one of the innovative features that technology reflects on daily life. Internet technologies develop day by day in order to facilitate people’s daily lives .
Developing internet technologies continue their impact by offering high network power and bandwidth to its users. Fast internet infrastructures, which entered the life of humanity a long time ago, showed themselves as 4G lastly. In addition to this development, a very powerful infrastructure called 5G has been added to the features of network and electronic devices. Adapting to the innovative technology order, 5G takes steps to realize radical changes and developments in the life of humanity
What is 5G?
5G, which entered the lives of the masses as an innovative technology in the twenty-first century, is rapidly moving towards creating the communication of all of us with the digital new world. The transformation of the infrastructure in cellular networks, which is also used in mobile phones, with innovative rules is called 5G technology. The technology, which has 10 times the data transmission rate of the 4th generation infrastructure; The processor is on its way to be a pioneer in the changes and developments made on mobile networks and radio frequencies.
In addition to high-speed data transfer, 5G technology aims to offer large capacity, transmission of big data, low cost, powerful battery and reliable mobile communication . Thanks to the many advantages provided by the new generation technology, these limitations in wireless communication systems are largely eliminated.
What are the Differences Between 5G and 4G?
Speed; It has been among the changing qualities of internet infrastructures since the past. As a result of today’s technology, 5G has a data transmission power of almost 10 times the advanced internet speed of 4G. The technology, which provides access to an average of 10 Gbps to 20 Gbps internet speeds, minimizes the ping level and provides a reduction in network latency. 5G internet networks serve with a lower latency, ranging from 60 to 120 times compared to 4G technology. 5G internet; It reduces the time spent in data transmission between the device used and the opposite server. In this way, it accelerates the process of accessing data, which causes a great loss of time in the digital world.
How Fast Is 5G?
5G, which came into our lives as an innovative internet infrastructure, adapts perfectly to today’s conditions thanks to the speed it offers. This new technology is about 10 times faster than 4G internet speed. The speed increase in question; It also brings many technological changes, especially virtual reality. In a research conducted to experience the power of 5G in a company, it is seen that the highest internet speed is 4.5 gigabits per second. The increase in the average speed of the internet per second ensures that many orders in our lives can easily keep up with the change.
What is 5G Technology Changing in Our Lives?
Today, when technology continues to develop, 5G, a super-fast internet network, brings many positive changes. The new generation technology, which provides a 90% reduction in energy costs used by mobile network services, also supports all developments involving artificial intelligence . Thanks to 5G technologies, the use of robots in our lives will become widespread and many commands will be integrated in a short time. In addition to the fact that virtual reality is a part of routine life, the quality of service in many areas where the internet is used will also adapt to the rising trends.
What are the 5G Features?
5G technologies, which are an innovative internet network, have many features that are reflected in daily life. Having an idea about the features of 5G is also very useful in terms of understanding the effects of this technology in our lives. 5G Technology:
- It has a high speed level. The technology, which provides a great balance of speed in downloading and data transmission, helps many works carried out over the Internet in daily life to adapt to the era.
- It has wide coverage . In this way, it provides access to the internet even in rural areas.
- It reduces energy consumption in mobile devices. Thanks to its innovative technology, 5G aims to extend phone battery life up to 10 years .
- With its strong speed balance, it eliminates the dependency on cables caused by networks provided over wi-fi.
- It has good quality screenshots. Thanks to the advanced 8K display technology , it brings many developments in the visual field.
- It is compatible with IoT, which stands for Internet of Things. 5G will also be adapted to household appliances, so electronic devices such as refrigerators, air conditioners and televisions will be able to offer many different features on demand.
- The data transfer rate will increase to the maximum. Thanks to the advanced data transfer, even large files can be downloaded in a very short time.
- It will enable many virtual reality applications such as health sensor networks, remote surgery, public safety and infrastructure works to be implemented, thanks to high mobile technology that is integrated differently in each profession.
Thanks to all these features, 5G has the power to completely change human life. These changes, which have both individual and social effects, will take place in a short time as technology is fully adapted to human life.
What Are 5G Frequencies?
The wireless connection technologies used increase the data transfer rate according to the frequencies of the signals. The frequency bands used for mobile networks vary by region and country. In the past, these G networks were in frequency balance between 700 MHz and 6 GHz. 5G, on the other hand, operates at frequencies between 28-100 GHz , thanks to the new generation mobile network technology used . This great change in the frequency range makes itself felt in all areas of life. With the high speed of 5G internet, it is preparing to open a new era in human history.
What are the Disadvantages of Using 5G?
Today, every technological development brings with it many advantages as well as some disadvantages. Innovative mobile technology 5G damages can be listed as follows:
- Accessibility: 5G technology is now integrated into new model mobile phones. The integration process in question also limits the process of individual access to new generation technology. So if you want a 5G compatible device, you have to buy a new one. You cannot adapt what you have to this technology.
- New Infrastructure Budget: There is a need for changes and developments in infrastructure in order to make the new generation technology available in many countries of the world. Therefore, serious budgets are required for the harmonization process.
- Short Range Base Stations: It is envisaged to establish base stations at short intervals in residential areas in order to expand and spread the coverage area of this technology. In particular, base stations established close to residential areas and at short intervals bring along the danger of radiation.
- Cyber Attacks: It is predicted that software vulnerabilities in the innovative technology network may cause cyber attacks. The use of professional and advanced software technology is required to prevent these attacks.
- Crowding of Networks: The next generation of mobile networks working with wireless technology brings with it the possibility of overcrowding the frequency range.
- Changes Depending on the Operator: The features offered by the new generation mobile network technology may vary depending on the operator. For this reason, the process of benefiting from the benefits of technology for each user develops in a different direction.
The disadvantages of 5G technology are just as important as the advantages. This is one of the most important reasons why 5G is so hot on the agenda. Taking advantage of the positive aspects of technology is always a good choice.
What are the Features of 5G Phones?
With the 5G technology that has become part of our lives, mobile phone models have also started to be produced with features integrated into the new generation speed balance. 5G supported phones contain many different technological features compared to previous models so that the user can adapt to the speed of the next generation mobile network. The many advantages offered by 5G phones to the user can be listed as follows:
- Long battery life
- Enhanced screen quality
- High internet speed
- Wide coverage
- Advanced memory features
- Enhanced audio experience
With the spread of 5G technology, the features of mobile phones will also diversify and perhaps offer opportunities that can only be imagined at the moment. Moreover, all this will happen in a very short time, just like the speed of 5G technology.