Calculating service time can make many professionals worried, because they seem to be many calculations, and complex.
But performing this calculation becomes increasingly necessary for professionals, due to the changes that came with the labor and social security reforms.
And yet, it is important to follow up in specific situations, such as a dismissal process, so that he knows what values fit him.
It is necessary that he knows how to prepare the calculation, to ensure that all his rights are being fulfilled.
Want to know how to calculate service time correctly? We have prepared a complete guide for you!
What is service time? And how it calculated?
Length of service refers to the period of time in which the worker provides services to a given company or individual, which may vary from months to years.
This relationship depends on factors such as the amount of time one has been working, whether the job is fixed, whether there is a contribution from formal employment rights, etc.
Calculating service time does not have to be a problem for professionals or companies.
Since it is the period in which the employee is available to the employer, awaiting or executing orders, unless a special provision is expressly set forth.
The length of service also has to do with the contribution time, that is, the time that it has contributed with the amounts related to retirement.
Also, it is through the calculation of length of service that it becomes possible to have knowledge of the benefits to be received by the worker.
It also becomes feasible to know what types of indemnities, licenses, promotions and wages this professional will earn after a certain period of work.
To carry out the service time simulation, it is necessary to directly access the Federal Government page and follow the guidelines.
How to calculate service time?
As we saw above, calculating length of service correctly will ensure access to labor benefits, such as:
- Unemployment insurance ,
- Pension,
- Retirement, among many others.
In addition, it can be a means of mapping the professional’s work experience, for purposes such as preparing a resume or planning a career in more detail.
First of all, to make this calculation, it is necessary to know the exact date of the beginning of the employment contract.
The professional can also consult different employment contracts. That is, each formal job he held must have his working time accounted for separately.
This period of service begins to be counted from the date of signing the portfolio, also considering the probationary period, or the beginning of the term of the employment contract.
It ends on the last day registered in the employment card or contract, usually after the notice period has been given.
To make this process simpler, see the necessary steps for accounting.
Where to check information about length of service?
workbook _
Once the CTPS is signed, the date of the first day at the company is marked as the date of issue of the work. After obtaining this data, the professional must:
- Calculate how long you were on probation. Adding up every day until the final day.
- If you were hired, then you must calculate the first day of your job until the last day you were working.
in the signed contract
By being part of the company, the worker also signs a contract, which contains the information of the start date of his work. In this case, at least two copies of this document are always issued.
One copy remains with the personnel department and the other with the employee. In addition, with another type of contract, the termination contract, it is also possible to calculate the time of services provided.
How to calculate length of service for retirement ?
Anyone who wants to have an idea of how much time is left to retire or already intends to start paying for the benefit, needs to pay even more attention.
In addition to following the steps indicated above, the worker must add his current age to the length of service indicated by the calculation result.
See examples below:
- Male : 60 years old + 35 years of service (contribution) = 95 years in total.
- Female : 55 years old + 30 years of service (contribution) = 85 years in total.
This rule is commonly known as the 85-95 rule — which in the future will be 90-100.
Having both genders contributed with at least 30 years of service time, they will have the right to apply for full retirement.
How to identify failures in the accounting of service time?
In some cases, errors may occur in the calculation of working time. The most common errors are the following:
The experience contract counts in the calculation of length of service. As a reminder, the experience contract must be registered with the Work and Social Security Card – CTPS within 48 hours.
Failure to comply with this rule by the employer may make this agreement indeterminate.
As already mentioned, the legislation determines that the maximum period does not exceed 90 days. In order to calculate service time, in some categories, experience time cannot be considered, which is not correct.
Experience time counts both for length of service and for calculating benefits such as vacation, 13th salary, unemployment insurance, among others. Keep an eye on this point.
Dates erroneously recorded in the work card are very common, especially in older cards.
In this case, it will be necessary to go to the former employer to make the change as soon as possible, or seek assistance from the Labor Court and check what are the necessary procedures for correcting the dates.
There are many types of employment contracts. It is a document whose objective is to define the rules of an employment relationship whenever there is the use of skills and time of one party in favor of the other.
In employment contracts of the intermittent regime, only the periods of activity of the professional are included in the calculation.
For example, if it is registered in the portfolio that the regime is intermittent and the employee worked for 30 days in the last working period, then this is the number of days that will be included in the calculation.
What to do in cases of problems calculating the length of service?
If you have any difficulty calculating length of service, the professional can contact your union for more information.
In addition, Social Security service centers (INSS) are also available for this purpose, just look for the one closest to your residence and make an appointment for this type of service.
How can digital point control help?
Above we saw how length of service is important for social security purposes and to access benefits such as unemployment insurance. However, it is not just this type of timing that is important.
The journey control is also part of the service time count. It refers to the time for which the worker is available to the employer during the day, week and month.
That’s because the law establishes that there is a maximum daily journey, just as there is a maximum weekly journey, too. In addition, there are the hours of the month, which are indispensable for determining the value of the hour worked.
Therefore, if the count by length of service for social security purposes is done through the INSS portal or by the CTPS, the count of available hours also has its own way of determination.
For this, there are time controls, which record the entry and exit times of employees. This goes for the beginning and end of the journey and also for intervals.
From this it is possible to calculate the number of working hours, as well as the existence of overtime.
Which companies need to control employee service time?
All with 20 employees or more. This does not mean, however, that employees of companies with less than 20 employees are not entitled to overtime. There is just no registration required.
Work at home office need journey control?
Yes! Like face-to-face work, remote work also admits and requires working hours. It is only waived when the contract is for activities and not per day.